North/Eastside Senior Coalition
1625 Northport Dr #125
Madison, WI 53704
p. 608.243-5252
f. 608.243-5259
General E-Mail

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- Mission
- Maps to our sites

Board of Directors
- Staff Contact

- Case Management
- Home Chore Program
- Senior Dining Sites
- Lunch Menu
- Programs & Activities
- Foot Clinics
Cultural Diversity Programs:
- African American

- Giving Opportunities
Senior Programs-Bashford
Senior Programs-WPCRC


- Resource Sheets
Resource Links
- Caregiver Resources


The North/Eastside Senior Coalition is celebrating 33 years of service while earning the reputation as one of Dane County�s premier senior centers.  We work hard to maintain state accreditation by the Wisconsin Association of Senior Centers and received the prestigious North Star Community Recognition Award!

We're located in the Warner Park Community Recreation Center
1625 Northport Dr. #125
Madison, WI 53704 
Phone number: 608.243-5252 
Fax number: 608.243-5259
General E-Mail



Programs & Activities

At our senior luncheon sites, the Coalition offers weekday social, educational and exercise programs. Card games, day trips, Bingo, intergenerational programs, book discussion groups, low vision support groups, health screenings, and foot clinics keep our seniors active while generating lots of fun! Two caregiver support groups are also offered monthly (one in Spanish).

BINGO Fridays - 10:30 - 11:30 am
Join us for a rousing game of Bingo each Friday at WPCRC.  Each game costs 5� with all proceeds paid out to the winners.  Bingo players are invited to join us for lunch afterwards but may play Bingo without signing up for lunch.

Exercise for Seniors - Wednesdays, 10:30 am
NESCO and MSCR team up to offer chair based Yogacise classes at WPCRC.  Certified yoga instructor, Carolyn Gantner, provides a program involving gentle and slow exercises performed in a chair or using a chair for balance and support.  No experience necessary.

Foot Care Clinics - click here for this month's schedule
NESCO and Home Health United/Visiting Nurse Service co-sponsor six foot clinics each month for individuals who cannot do their own foot care and do NOT have diabetes. Appointments are required and can be made one year in advance by calling 243-5252.

Euchre, Bridge, Scrabble
Various cards and games are played at WPCRC and Bashford Methodist Church meal site throughout the month.  Visit this month's programming calendar for event for dates/times.


For more information on senior programs and activities, please contact Programs Director, Jim Krueger at 243-5252 or [email protected].