Jim Krueger
Executive Director
Jim Krueger, Executive Director, is responsible for the overall management of day-to-day operations of the agency, development of financial and human resources, and implementation of programs and services. He reports to a volunteer Board of Directors, manages a professional staff, interacts with a large group of volunteers and clients, and collaborates with community and governmental agencies to fulfill the mission of the Coalition. His duties also include Program Delivery, Fundraising, Board Support, and Community/Public Relations. Jim earned a Bachelors of Arts (Social Welfare) from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1987. He has over 15 years experience working in non-profit, human service agencies. Jim also worked for 7 years in retail service and spent another 18 months traveling across the world.
Email Jim

Alyssa Bordeleau
Lead Case Manager
Alyssa Bordeleau, Lead Case Manager, assesses the needs of senior adults to enable them to remain independent, active, and influential in their community. Alyssa connects both English and Spanish speaking residents in Dane County to needed community resources through home visits and phone consultations. She has a Master’s Degree in Social Work (MSW) from the University of Wisconsin Madison and a bachelor’s degree from Concordia University of Wisconsin, where she studied Social Work, Social Welfare and Social Science. Alyssa is currently taking classes for a Geriatric Mental Health Care Management Certification through University of Wisconsin-Madison Continuing Studies Program. Alyssa has done humanitarian work in Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Mexico, and Peru where she studied Spanish at the Instituto Cultural Peruano Norteamericano while a resident in Lima, Peru
Email Alyssa

Pam Bracey
Cultural Diversity Specialist
Pamela Bracey, Cultural Diversity Specialist (African American Program), is responsible for outreach, assisting, and connecting African American senior adults with the appropriate activities and services at the Madison Senior Coalitions and Dane County Senior Focal Points. She coordinates health and wellness educational programs, identifies community resources and services, and plans social activities to keep African American seniors independent while still active in their communities. She facilitates a monthly Diabetes Support Group (at Romnes Apartments), as well as a monthly Discussion Group (at Quaker Housing and Burr Oaks Apartments). She also actively participates on the Area Agency on Aging Caregivers Alliance, Safe Community Falls Task Force, Women’s Health Initiative, Lay Health Advisor, Faith in Action Advisory Board, Black Women Wellness Alliance Board, and Alzheimer’s and Dementia for African American’s Alliance Board. She recently completed an AODA course for the Special Population, which included senior adults, and a Dementia Education Conference. Ms. Bracey is a Lay Health Advisor for African American Senior Women living with Diabetes, and is a certified QPR Gatekeeper Instructor for Suicide Prevention. She has extensive knowledge and a strong networking base within the African American senior community.
Email Pam

Rodrigo Valdivia, Cultural Diversity Specialist (Latino Program)
Rodrigo Valdivia, Cultural Diversity Specialist (Latino Program), is responsible for outreach, assisting, and connecting Latino senior adults with the appropriate activities and services at the Madison Senior Coalitions and Dane County Senior Focal Points. He coordinates health and wellness educational programs, identifies community resources and services, and plans social activities to keep Latino seniors independent and active in their communities. He coordinates monthly Bilingual Bingo (English/Spanish) at the Warner Park Community Recreation Center and a monthly Discussion Group and Grandparents Support Group – in Spanish at the Madison Senior Center. He is also an active member of the Latino Support Network (LASUP). Originally from Mexico, Rodrigo moved to the U.S. at the age of 3, but does his best to get back every year and visit extended family. He has lived in several parts of the U.S. including Houston, Baltimore, and Boulder, CO; but Madison has been his home for over 20 years. Rodrigo has a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
“Hello friends and thank you for the warm welcome! I am thrilled to be serving as Latino Program Specialist at NESCO and am excited for the opportunity to meet you.
“My road to NESCO has curved all over the country. I was born in Mexico City and moved to the U.S. when I was three, the middle child in a tight-knit family of five. My parents instilled strong values, morals, and a grounded identity in my culture. Visiting family every Christmas has helped me keep my Spanish. I’ve also lived in Houston, Baltimore and Colorado, so I know the south, the Chesapeake, and the mountains. The same passion that I bring to work also fuels my loves of fitness, food, and good company. I try to approach life with a sense of gratitude and compassion.
“I encourage anyone to introduce themselves and spark up a conversation with me. My door is always open and you’ll find a patient ear awaiting our conversation. I’m glad to be here at NESCO and excited to begin this new chapter!”

Gabriela Valdivia Bilingual Case Manager
Gabby Valdivia, Case Manager After having lived in Milwaukee for nearly eight years, I’m happy to be back in Madison and I feel blessed to find myself amidst a caring and supportive team of case managers here at NESCO! Outside of work I am currently earning a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy, I love to spend time with friends and family, and I have a passion for traveling. My nuclear and extended family is my core, and through frequent visits to Mexico I have maintained strong connections to my culture and heritage. I look forward to serving the Madison community and thank NESCO for its warm welcome.

Susy Cranley
Bilingual Case Manager
Susy Cranley, Bilingual Case Manager, assesses the needs of senior adults to enable them to remain independent, active, and influential in their community.They connect both English and Spanish speaking residents in Dane County to needed community resources through home visits and phone consultations. Susy has a bachelor’s degree in Spanish literature and business administration and brings over four years of experience in various setting as a social worker.
Email Susy

Kate Shenker
Case Manager
Kate Shenker, Case Manager, duties include conducting home visits to assess individuals for case management services, providing information and referral and advocacy. Her background is in Mental Health Case Management and she received her Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1987. Kate also does outreach at the Goodman Center’s dining site on Thursdays at lunch time.
Email Kate

Ruth Hellenbrand, Programs Manager
Ruth Hellenbrand ,Programs Manager. Ruth was raised in the Wis. Rapids area and has lived in and out of Madison most of her adult life. Ruth has a degree in Human Services from Edgewood College and has worked in case management and activities in long term care settings.
Ruth enjoys interacting with our membership and seniors who participate in programming. She looks forward to contiuing to create new programs and loves to hear your ideas and feed back.

Terez Fahy, Case Manager
Terez Fahy, Case Manager. I am the mother of 2 grown children and have 2 sensational grandchildren. My employment history involves over 30 years of experience working in the alcohol and other drug field. My interests are virtually any activity which involves the outdoors. I love to walk, cross country ski, ride my bike, snowshoe practice yoga, spend time with my family and friends and read. I am blessed to spend Feb and March visiting my sister and basking in the sun on the beautiful island of St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. My wonderful group of women friends supports me through all the many joys and challenges life presents. I feel blessed to work with NESCO and such a great team to assist seniors in this passage of life.

Trisha Rosbeck, Volunteer Coordinator
Trisha Rosbeck, Volunteer Coordinator, is responsible for the Home Chore Program and Special Events at NESCO. In the Home Chore Program she recruits, orients and places volunteers to assist seniors with everyday tasks around the home and yard. She also facilitates group volunteer projects that benefit senior adults on Madison’s north and east sides. In addition, she coordinates NESCO events such as the Multi-cultural Health Fair, the Family Caregiver Fair, and Apple Fest. Trisha has a Bachelor’s Degree in Recreation Managaement from the UW-LaCrosse. Trisha enjoys spending time outside, especially hiking. She is also getting married in May of 2017.
Email Trisha